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97 to 120 of 552 results
Search results 97 - 120 of 552Category: DevOps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookMonitoring K8s with the Kubernetes Dashboard, Prometheus, and GrafanaIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hours and 30 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: In this hands-on lab, you'll learn how to set up an effective monitoring solution using the Kubernetes Dashboard, Prometheus, and Grafana.; Duration: Up to 2 hours and 30 minutes; Content Topics: DevOps, Monitoring, Deployment, Compute; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaDeploying Infrastructure with Terraform in AzureBeginnerDuration: Up to 30 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Get started on your DevOps journey and learn how to build infrastructure on Azure using Terraform.; Duration: Up to 30 minutes; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaCreating DRY Terraform Environments with TerragruntAdvancedDuration: Up to 40 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Advanced; Description: Follow along in this hands-on lab and use Terragrunt to duplicate a Terraform environment and change the environment by modifying a single file.; Duration: Up to 40 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaCreating Loops in Terraform and Scaling ResourcesIntermediateDuration: Up to 40 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Follow along with this hands-on lab and create clean scalable Terraform code by using loops.; Duration: Up to 40 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaImporting Existing Infrastructure into TerraformBeginnerDuration: Up to 30 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Follow along with this hands on lab and import existing AWS resources into a Terraform configuration to be managed by code.; Duration: Up to 30 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaUsing Terraform Remote StateBeginnerDuration: Up to 45 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Follow along with this hands on lab and configure remote state for Terraform configurations using AWS services like S3 and DynamoDB.; Duration: Up to 45 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaCreating Reusable Infrastructure with Terraform ModulesBeginnerDuration: Up to 40 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Follow along in this hands-on lab and create reusable infrastructure that can be versioned and tested with Terraform modules.; Duration: Up to 40 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJun FritzExploring Terraform StateBeginnerDuration: Up to 40 minutesAuthor: Jun Fritz; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Follow along in this hands on lab and explore the concept of Terraform state when managing AWS infrastructure through code.; Duration: Up to 40 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJun FritzCreating Variables in Terraform ConfigurationsBeginnerDuration: Up to 45 minutesAuthor: Jun Fritz; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Follow along in this hand on lab and create reusable infrastructure code with Terraform variables.; Duration: Up to 45 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaUsing Provisioners with TerraformBeginnerDuration: Up to 30 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Discover the use case of Terraform provisioners and learn when to use them in Terraform configurations.; Duration: Up to 30 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJun FritzConfiguring Implicit Dependencies in TerraformBeginnerDuration: Up to 40 minutesAuthor: Jun Fritz; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to configure implicit dependencies between AWS resources using Terraform in this hands-on lab.; Duration: Up to 40 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaInstalling Terraform on Windows and LinuxBeginnerDuration: Up to 45 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: In this hands-on infrastructure as code lab, you will learn how to download and install Terraform on Windows and Linux platforms.; Duration: Up to 45 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 4 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABVincenzo TricociDeploying Web Applications using AnsibleIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutesAuthor: Vincenzo Tricoci; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to create Ansible roles that allow you to easily reuse configurations and you will use roles to deploy a web application.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Management, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 6 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAntonio AngelinoGetting Started with AnsibleIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Antonio Angelino; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Create an Ansible Playbook towards the configuration of a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python -sometimes Perl or PHP) server in this hands-on lab.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: Management, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 6 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookPerforming a Kubernetes Deployment using ConfigMaps and HelmIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hours and 30 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: Up to 2 hours and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 8 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookUsing a Dockerfile and Docker-Compose to Build and Run ContainersBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Development, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 5 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillHands-On CloudFormation for Deploy ScalabilityIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hoursAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Scalable DevOps: Using CloudFormation for Whole VPC Stacks.; Duration: Up to 2 hours; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- LAB CHALLENGELogan RakaiKubernetes Certification ChallengeIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hour and 20 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: This lab challenge simulates the experience of real Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Kubernetes certification exams, such as the CKA certification exam and the CKAD certification exam.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 20 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This lab challenge has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookProgramming with Python DateTimesBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: This lab is designed to introduce you to coding with dates and times in Python, using the DateTime module.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Development; This hands-on lab has: 5 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookProgramming with Python IntroductionBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: This lab is designed to introduce you to the basics of coding with Python.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Development; This hands-on lab has: 5 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookCoding with PolymorphismBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: This lab is designed to deepen your Java object-oriented programming knowledge.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: Development; This hands-on lab has: 3 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookWorking with JShellBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: This lab introduces you to JShell, an interactive REPL Java utility.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: Development; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookCreate a Jenkins CICD Pipeline to Publish Build Results into JiraIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hoursAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: In this lab, you will launch a Jenkins and Jira CICD and issue management environment using Docker containers on a provided EC2 instance.; Duration: Up to 2 hours; This hands-on lab has: 10 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookCreate a Jenkins CICD Pipeline to Build a Docker Image with Splunk IntegrationIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: In this lab, you will launch a Jenkins and Splunk CICD and monitoring environment using Docker containers on a provided EC2 instance.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Continuous Integration; This hands-on lab has: 10 Lab steps