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Search results 1 - 24 of 822Category: IT Operations
- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiIntroduction to KubernetesIntermediateDuration: Up to 10 hours and 30 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: This course introduces you to Kubernetes and gives you hands-on experience with the container management and orchestration tool.; Duration: Up to 10 hours and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Containers; This learning path has: 1 Course, 1 Resource, 1 Exam, 3 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHJeremy CookTerraform Associate 003 Certification Exam PreparationBeginnerDuration: Up to 14 hours and 36 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Prepare for HashiCorp's Terraform Associate exam with this course designed to help you enhance your knowledge of open-source HashiCorp Terraform.; Duration: Up to 14 hours and 36 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment; This learning path has: 1 Course, 1 Lab challenge, 1 Exam, 14 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiCertified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam PreparationAdvancedDuration: Up to 23 hours and 54 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Advanced; Description: Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam and get hands-on experience on the most important aspects of administering Kubernetes clusters.; Duration: Up to 23 hours and 54 minutes; Content Topics: Development, Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This learning path has: 4 Courses, 2 Lab challenges, 2 Exams, 18 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHBen LambertDevOps FundamentalsIntermediateDuration: Up to 8 hours and 40 minutesAuthor: Ben Lambert; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Develop essential DevOps skills with this introductory course and build a solid engineering foundation.; Duration: Up to 8 hours and 40 minutes; Content Topics: DevOps; This learning path has: 4 Courses, 1 Exam, 2 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiDocker in DepthIntermediateDuration: Up to 9 hours and 31 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Learn Docker starting at working with individual containers, progressing to multi-container applications, and lastly deploying to a cluster.; Duration: Up to 9 hours and 31 minutes; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This learning path has: 3 Courses, 1 Exam, 2 Hands-on labs
- HANDS-ON LABAlex CasalboniBuild RESTful Microservices with AWS Lambda and API GatewayIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hours and 15 minutesAuthor: Alex Casalboni; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Learn how to design, configure, secure and test HTTP endpoints, using AWS Lambda as backend.; Duration: Up to 2 hours and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Serverless, Mobile; This hands-on lab has: 12 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillWorking with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Groups and Network Load BalancerBeginnerDuration: Up to 2 hoursAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: You will learn the steps to automatically scale up or down your EC2 infrastructure using Auto Scaling Groups.; Duration: Up to 2 hours; Content Topics: Networking, Management, Monitoring, Compute; This hands-on lab has: 6 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLogan RakaiRun a Controlled Deploy With AWS Elastic BeanstalkIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hours and 10 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: For controlled deployments and efficient deployment services of code on EC2 instances, Elastic Beanstalks provides a superior interaction model and developer tools experience.; Duration: Up to 2 hours and 10 minutes; Content Topics: Compute; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLogan RakaiIntroduction to AWS LambdaBeginnerDuration: Up to 45 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to create and run your first AWS Lambda function.; Duration: Up to 45 minutes; Content Topics: Serverless; This hands-on lab has: 5 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABStefano CascavillaIntroduction to CloudWatchBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Stefano Cascavilla; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: CloudWatch is a monitoring service that AWS provides. You can use it to monitor AWS resources or custom resources, inside or outside AWS.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Management, Monitoring; This hands-on lab has: 8 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillServe your files using the CloudFront CDNBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery web service. It integrates with other Amazon Web Services products to give developers and businesses an easy way to distribute content to end users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, and no minimum usage commitments.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Content Delivery Networking; This hands-on lab has: 10 Lab steps
- COURSEBen LambertIntroduction to Continuous DeliveryBeginnerDuration: 1 hour and 7 minutesAuthor: Ben Lambert; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 1 hour and 7 minutes; Content Topics: Continuous Deployment; This course has: 9 Lectures
- COURSEBen LambertIntroduction to Continuous IntegrationBeginnerDuration: 56 minutes and 47 secondsAuthor: Ben Lambert; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 56 minutes and 47 seconds; Content Topics: Continuous Integration; This course has: 8 Lectures
- COURSEBen LambertIntroduction to DevOpsBeginnerAuthor: Ben Lambert; Difficulty: Beginner; Content Topics: DevOps; This course has: 10 Lectures
- COURSEStuart ScottUsing Elastic Load Balancing & EC2 Auto Scaling to Support AWS WorkloadsBeginnerAuthor: Stuart Scott; Difficulty: Beginner; Content Topics: Networking, Compute; This course has: 10 Lectures
- COURSEAndrew LarkinPython for BeginnersBeginnerDuration: 1 hour and 10 minutesAuthor: Andrew Larkin; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 1 hour and 10 minutes; Content Topics: Development; This course has: 6 Lectures
- COURSEAndrew LarkinDevOps Foundations - DevOps Institute Certification Exam PreparationBeginnerDuration: 3 hours and 26 minutesAuthor: Andrew Larkin; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 3 hours and 26 minutes; Content Topics: DevOps; This course has: 10 Lectures
- COURSEGuy HummelDesigning an Azure Compute InfrastructureIntermediateDuration: 46 minutes and 52 secondsAuthor: Guy Hummel; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 46 minutes and 52 seconds; Content Topics: Compute; This course has: 8 Lectures
- COURSEGuy HummelIntroduction to Azure NetworkingBeginnerDuration: 14 minutes and 3 secondsAuthor: Guy Hummel; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 14 minutes and 3 seconds; Content Topics: Networking; This course has: 4 Lectures
- COURSELogan RakaiManaging Infrastructure With TerraformIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 10 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 10 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment; This course has: 8 Lectures
- COURSEGuy HummelManaging Azure CostsIntermediateDuration: 24 minutes and 10 secondsAuthor: Guy Hummel; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 24 minutes and 10 seconds; Content Topics: Cost Management; This course has: 7 Lectures
- HANDS-ON LABLogan RakaiIntroduction to Kubernetes PlaygroundBeginnerDuration: Up to 4 hoursAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: The lab creates a Kubernetes cluster for you to use as you progress through the Introduction to Kubernetes course on Cloud Academy.; Duration: Up to 4 hours; Content Topics: Containers; This hands-on lab has: 3 Lab steps
- COURSEJonathan LeweyIntroduction to KubernetesBeginnerDuration: 2 hours and 30 minutesAuthor: Jonathan Lewey; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Containers; This course has: 18 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookTerraform 1.0 - Provisioning AWS InfrastructureIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 41 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 41 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment; This course has: 12 Lectures