Containers Training Library
Build knowledge and gain hands-on experience with Kubernetes, DC/OS, Docker, and containerization techniques across Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Content added and updated weekly.
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- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiCertified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam PreparationIntermediateDuration: Up to 37 hours and 27 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Application Dev (CKAD) exam and get hands-on experience on the most important aspects of Kubernetes for developers.; Duration: Up to 37 hours and 27 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This learning path has: 5 Courses, 2 Lab challenges, 1 Resource, 2 Exams, 28 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiIntroduction to KubernetesIntermediateDuration: Up to 10 hours and 30 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: This course introduces you to Kubernetes and gives you hands-on experience with the container management and orchestration tool.; Duration: Up to 10 hours and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Containers; This learning path has: 1 Course, 1 Resource, 1 Exam, 3 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiDocker in DepthIntermediateDuration: Up to 9 hours and 31 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Learn Docker starting at working with individual containers, progressing to multi-container applications, and lastly deploying to a cluster.; Duration: Up to 9 hours and 31 minutes; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This learning path has: 3 Courses, 1 Exam, 2 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiCertified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam PreparationAdvancedDuration: Up to 23 hours and 54 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Advanced; Description: Prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam and get hands-on experience on the most important aspects of administering Kubernetes clusters.; Duration: Up to 23 hours and 54 minutes; Content Topics: Development, Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This learning path has: 4 Courses, 2 Lab challenges, 2 Exams, 18 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHJeremy CookBuilding, Deploying, and Running Containers in ProductionBeginnerDuration: Up to 37 hours and 46 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Building, Deploying, and Running Containers in Production; Duration: Up to 37 hours and 46 minutes; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This learning path has: 5 Courses, 1 Resource, 3 Exams, 28 Hands-on labs
- LEARNING PATHLogan RakaiDocker Certified Associate (DCA) Exam PreparationBeginnerDuration: Up to 26 hours and 10 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Prepare to become a Docker Certified Associate (DCA) with this course.; Duration: Up to 26 hours and 10 minutes; Content Topics: Containers; This learning path has: 4 Courses, 1 Lab challenge, 1 Exam, 7 Hands-on labs
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- COURSEJonathan LeweyIntroduction to KubernetesBeginnerDuration: 2 hours and 30 minutesAuthor: Jonathan Lewey; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Containers; This course has: 18 Lectures
- COURSEThomas MitchellBuilding Containers with Azure DevOpsIntermediateDuration: 29 minutes and 27 secondsAuthor: Thomas Mitchell; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 29 minutes and 27 seconds; Content Topics: Containers; This course has: 10 Lectures
- COURSELogan RakaiAdministering Kubernetes ClustersIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 8 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 8 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This course has: 6 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookDevOps Playbook Part 1IntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 13 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 13 minutes; Content Topics: Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration; This course has: 11 Lectures
- COURSEGuy HummelConfiguring Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)IntermediateDuration: 14 minutes and 20 secondsAuthor: Guy Hummel; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 14 minutes and 20 seconds; Content Topics: Microsoft Azure; This course has: 5 Lectures
- COURSELogan RakaiKubernetes Patterns for Application DevelopersIntermediateDuration: 47 minutes and 10 secondsAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 47 minutes and 10 seconds; Content Topics: Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This course has: 6 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookIntroduction to AWS EKSIntermediateDuration: 58 minutes and 24 secondsAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 58 minutes and 24 seconds; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This course has: 6 Lectures
- COURSELogan RakaiManaging Applications with Docker ComposeIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 22 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 22 minutes; Content Topics: Development, DevOps; This course has: 8 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookIntroduction to HelmIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 15 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This course has: 14 Lectures
- COURSELogan RakaiContainer Orchestration with Docker Swarm ModeIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 11 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 11 minutes; Content Topics: Development, DevOps; This course has: 11 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookOpenShift 101 - Quick StartBeginnerDuration: 1 hour and 42 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 1 hour and 42 minutes; Content Topics: Containers; This course has: 19 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookDeploying A Cloud Native Application into KubernetesAdvancedDuration: 1 hour and 26 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Advanced; Duration: 1 hour and 26 minutes; Content Topics: Development, DevOps, Deployment, Compute; This course has: 20 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookHashiCorp VaultIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 44 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 44 minutes; Content Topics: Development, DevOps, Security; This course has: 9 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookIntroduction to DevOps and CI/CDBeginnerDuration: 3 minutes and 52 secondsAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 3 minutes and 52 seconds; Content Topics: Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration; This course has: 1 Lecture
- COURSEGuy HummelRunning a Container on Azure App ServiceIntermediateDuration: 9 minutes and 43 secondsAuthor: Guy Hummel; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 9 minutes and 43 seconds; Content Topics: Web; This course has: 1 Lecture
- COURSECalculated SystemsGo Microservices & KubernetesBeginnerDuration: 55 minutes and 46 secondsAuthor: Calculated Systems; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 55 minutes and 46 seconds; Content Topics: DevOps, Deployment, Compute; This course has: 10 Lectures
- COURSEJonathan LeweyIntroduction to SpinnakerBeginnerDuration: 28 minutes and 55 secondsAuthor: Jonathan Lewey; Difficulty: Beginner; Duration: 28 minutes and 55 seconds; Content Topics: DevOps; This course has: 6 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookIntroduction to AKSIntermediateDuration: 1 hour and 42 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 1 hour and 42 minutes; Content Topics: Microsoft Azure; This course has: 15 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookIntroduction to GitOps - Flux BasedIntermediateDuration: 43 minutes and 29 secondsAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 43 minutes and 29 seconds; Content Topics: Deployment, Compute, DevOps; This course has: 12 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookBuilding A Cloud Native ApplicationIntermediateDuration: 50 minutes and 25 secondsAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 50 minutes and 25 seconds; Content Topics: Development, DevOps; This course has: 12 Lectures
- COURSEJeremy CookDevOps Playbook Part 2AdvancedDuration: 49 minutes and 51 secondsAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Advanced; Duration: 49 minutes and 51 seconds; Content Topics: Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration; This course has: 9 Lectures
- COURSEArthur FeldkampManaging Container-Based Development Environments on GCPIntermediateDuration: 53 minutes and 58 secondsAuthor: Arthur Feldkamp; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 53 minutes and 58 seconds; Content Topics: Google Cloud Platform; This course has: 16 Lectures
- COURSEStuart ScottIntroduction to Container SecurityIntermediateDuration: 24 minutes and 44 secondsAuthor: Stuart Scott; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 24 minutes and 44 seconds; Content Topics: Containers; This course has: 4 Lectures
- COURSEPradeep BhadaniBuilding and Configuring CI/CD pipelines on GCPIntermediateDuration: 48 minutes and 41 secondsAuthor: Pradeep Bhadani; Difficulty: Intermediate; Duration: 48 minutes and 41 seconds; Content Topics: Containers, Development Tools; This course has: 6 Lectures