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Introducing brand new, skill-based, Job Roles to library!

It's time to get career-ready! These new, smart job roles bring together the best of QA. A combination of smart assessments and AI-driven personalization helps you reach skill readiness faster, without wasting time on what you already know.
What to expect
Be Job Role ready, smarter!From Novice to Expert with tailor-made training programs designed to elevate your skills at every level.
Save Time and Train SmarterUncover your current strengths with assessments, saving hours on content you already know.
Progress at Your Own PaceGain confidence as you progress at your own pace, setting your own due dates

How do I pick a Job Role level?

We suggest that you pick the level that best matches your goals. You might be a complete beginner, but if your goal is becoming an experienced professional, don’t hold yourself back. Take the assessments for the senior job role and start working on your skills asap!

How long will it take to complete a job role?

It all depends on you! Our smart job roles dynamically assign content based on your skill level. If you are an absolute beginner, you will have more content and take more time to complete the job role. If you already have some skills, your time will be shorter.

Do skill based job roles have a due date?

When you assign yourself a job role, you also assign a deadline because it provides a clear timeline and structure to your goals. The due date can be pushed forward if needed.

How is a job role different from a Certification?

Our certification preparation Learning paths are designed to adhere to narrow exam requirements for a specific certification. Our Smart Job Role Paths go beyond the scope of vendor exam requirements to focus on skill readiness. They explore the application of skills in a production environment and expose the student to third party software, tools, methodologies, processes and concepts.

Will I get a certificate of completion?

Not at the moment. If you are interested in a certificate of completion, please reach out to our support team with a feature request.