Amazon Web Services Training Library
The demand for the workforce to be able to operate in the cloud is growing exponentially. Cloud Academy offers easy access to the new generation of cloud training, for professionals and enterprise. The Amazon Web Services Training Library is a hub of highly-rated resources including learning paths, courses, labs, quizzes, and exams to enable you to get the right training to put you on the right track for AWS success.
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- HANDS-ON LABJun FritzCreating Variables in Terraform ConfigurationsBeginnerDuration: Up to 45 minutesAuthor: Jun Fritz; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Follow along in this hand on lab and create reusable infrastructure code with Terraform variables.; Duration: Up to 45 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJun FritzConfiguring Implicit Dependencies in TerraformBeginnerDuration: Up to 40 minutesAuthor: Jun Fritz; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to configure implicit dependencies between AWS resources using Terraform in this hands-on lab.; Duration: Up to 40 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 2 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLuke OrellanaInstalling Terraform on Windows and LinuxBeginnerDuration: Up to 45 minutesAuthor: Luke Orellana; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: In this hands-on infrastructure as code lab, you will learn how to download and install Terraform on Windows and Linux platforms.; Duration: Up to 45 minutes; Content Topics: Deployment, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 4 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABVincenzo TricociDeploying Web Applications using AnsibleIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutesAuthor: Vincenzo Tricoci; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to create Ansible roles that allow you to easily reuse configurations and you will use roles to deploy a web application.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Management, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 6 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABEric MagalhãesWorking with the Application Load BalancerIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hour and 10 minutesAuthor: Eric Magalhães; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Application Load Balancers support content-based routing, and supports applications that run in containers. They support a pair of industry-standard protocols (WebSocket and HTTP/2) and also provide additional visibility into the health of the target instances and containers. Web sites and mobile apps, running in containers or on EC2 instances, will benefit from the use of Application Load Bala; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 10 minutes; Content Topics: Networking, Management, Monitoring, Compute; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillEfficiently Storing Data in S3 for Data Analytics SolutionsBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to store data in Amazon S3 for use with Data Analytics services including Redshift and Athena. Learn how to structure analytic data to maximize performance and minimize costs.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Big Data; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillLaunching Auto Scaling Groups behind a Classic Load BalancerIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hour and 45 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: During this lab, we will understand how to launch an Auto Scaling group behind a Classic Load Balancer; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 45 minutes; Content Topics: Compute; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillSessionizing Clickstream Data with Amazon Kinesis and Managed Apache FlinkBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: In this lab you will see how to use Kinesis Data Analytics to sessionize clickstream data, and, you will see how to send the output data from Kinesis Data Analytics to DynamoDB using a Lambda function.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: App Streaming; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillCreating Scheduled Tasks With AWS LambdaBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Schedule periodic tasks in a serverless fashion with AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge. Verify your task is running on a schedule with Amazon CloudWatch.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Messaging, Serverless; This hands-on lab has: 6 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillRewinding a MySQL Amazon Aurora Database with BacktrackBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to rewind a MySQL Aurora RDS database using Backtrack. Backtrack can seamlessly restore your database in minutes and lets you move back and forth to examine data changes in detail.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Databases; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillMigrating MySQL to PostgreSQL With the AWS Database Migration ServiceBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to migrate a MySQL database to Amazon Aurora Postgres with the AWS Database Migration Service.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Databases; This hands-on lab has: 8 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAntonio AngelinoGetting Started with AnsibleIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Antonio Angelino; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Create an Ansible Playbook towards the configuration of a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python -sometimes Perl or PHP) server in this hands-on lab.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: Management, DevOps; This hands-on lab has: 6 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillHands-On CloudFormation for Deploy ScalabilityIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hoursAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Scalable DevOps: Using CloudFormation for Whole VPC Stacks.; Duration: Up to 2 hours; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLogan RakaiForecast Flight Delays with Amazon SageMakerBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: This lab uses Amazon SageMaker to create a machine learning model that forecasts flight delays for US domestic flights.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Machine Learning; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillWorking with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Groups and Application Load BalancerBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: You will learn the steps to automatically scale up or down your EC2 infrastructure using Auto Scaling Groups behind an Application Load Balancer.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Networking, Management, Monitoring, Compute; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillBacking Up and Restoring Amazon DynamoDB TablesBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn about Amazon DynamoDB back-up strategies and restore using an on-demand back-up in this hands-on lab.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: NoSQL; This hands-on lab has: 4 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABJeremy CookAmazon EKS - Launch Kubernetes Cluster and Deploy WordPressIntermediateDuration: Up to 2 hours and 15 minutesAuthor: Jeremy Cook; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Amazon EKS - Launch Cluster and Deploy Microservices Application; Duration: Up to 2 hours and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Containers; This hands-on lab has: 11 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLogan RakaiStatic Code Analysis Within CI/CD PipelinesIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Integrate static code analysis within a three-stage AWS CodePipeline CI/CD pipeline to prevent vulnerabilities from making it into production in this Lab.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: Development; This hands-on lab has: 8 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLogan RakaiProtect Your Code Against Attacks With GauntltIntermediateDuration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Intermediate; Description: Learn how to use Gauntlt for security testing and protect your code against attacks with Guantlt by embedding it into a continuous integration pipeline.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 15 minutes; Content Topics: Security; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABLogan RakaiMonitor Amazon CloudWatch Security Logs for failed SSH attemptsBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Logan Rakai; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to use CloudWatch to monitor EC2 instance logs for failed SSH attempts; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Management, Monitoring; This hands-on lab has: 7 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillUsing AWS Lambda Functions to Process Amazon SQS MessagesBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to create an AWS Lambda function and configure it to process Amazon SQS messages in this hands-on laboratory.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This hands-on lab has: 3 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillAssociating AWS IAM Roles with Amazon EKS Service AccountsBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 25 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to associate an IAM role with Kubernetes Service Account to achieve least privilege and credential isolation in this hands-on lab.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 25 minutes; Content Topics: Identity and Access Management, Containers; This hands-on lab has: 6 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillFirst Steps Into the Linux ConsoleBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutesAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: GNU/Linux is the leading operating system on servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers and supercomputers. Any system administrator should know the basics of the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI). This laboratory will show you the Linux CLI step-by-step.; Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This hands-on lab has: 5 Lab steps
- HANDS-ON LABAndrew BurchillFiltering Published Amazon SNS MessagesBeginnerDuration: Up to 1 hourAuthor: Andrew Burchill; Difficulty: Beginner; Description: Learn how to create an Amazon SNS topic, subscribe Amazon SQS queues to the topic, and apply message filters to the subscriptions in this hands-on lab.; Duration: Up to 1 hour; Content Topics: Amazon Web Services; This hands-on lab has: 5 Lab steps