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Introduction to Amazon S3

Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: 1 minute and 57 seconds
Students: 18,939
Rating: 4.9/5

This lesson introduces you to arguably the most widely used storage service within AWS, the Amazon Simple Storage Service, more commonly known as Amazon S3. You will learn about the characteristics of Amazon S3 and get a general overview of the service, before moving on and learning about the various storage classes it offers. Each storage class is different and this lesson explains how they can be used.

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Learning Objectives

The objectives of this lesson are to provide an overview of Amazon S3, including what the service is, the basics of the Amazon S3 console and its associated storage classes.

Intended Audience

This lesson is designed as an introduction to the Amazon S3 storage service and is suitable for those who are:

  • Starting their AWS journey to understand the various services that exist and their use cases
  • Storage engineers responsible for maintaining and storing data within an enterprise
  • Anyone looking to begin their certification journey with either the AWS Cloud Practitioner or one of the three Associate-level certifications


This is an entry-level lesson to AWS S3 and so no prior knowledge of this service is required. However, to get the most from this lesson, a basic understanding of Cloud Computing and awareness of AWS regional infrastructure would be beneficial but not essential.


Covered Topics
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