learning path

Category Management Best Practice

A guide to the planning, tactics, types of data and collaboration that must come together in order to execute effective shopper-led strategies.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: Up to 46 minutes
Students: 1,810
Enhance your skill setDevelop essential skills for thriving in real-world scenarios.
Stay focused, stay committedBoost your learning journey by enrolling: stay focused, consistent and achieve your goals with ease.
Earn a certificate of completionShow your skills and build your credibility when you include them in your resume and LinkedIn profile.
6 steps
There are 2 Exams in this learning path
There are 4 Courses in this learning path
Duration: 2 minutes and 6 seconds
Category Management Best Practice Introduction
Welcome to this course on Category Management Best Practice.
Duration: 11 minutes and 4 seconds
Category Management Strategy
Despite some of the complexity of digital category management, building and executing category strategies for the digital shelf does have its benefits. In fact, it enables suppliers and retailers to take a far more flexible approach, and that’s just what we’ll be exploring. We’ll also take a look at some of the key questions you should be asking when carrying out a category assessment.
Duration: 5 minutes and 43 seconds
The Importance of Data & Insight
Data is at the heart of category management. After all, you can’t expect to make data-driven changes, if you don’t actually have access to the right data in the first place! We’ll explore the different types of data required for digital category management, and explore some additional ways to identify opportunities for improvement on the digital shelf.
Duration: 7 minutes and 27 seconds
Collaboration is essential for digital category management. Suppliers and retailers must work together in the most effective way if they want to unlock the mutual benefits and opportunities offered by the digital shelf. We explore some of the key areas for collaboration, and the importance of working with multiple teams, both online and in store.
Duration: Up to 10 minutes
Category Management Best Practice Post-Assessment
Category Management Best Practice Post-Assessment