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hands-on lab

Using S3 Bucket Policies and Conditions to Restrict Specific Permissions

Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: Up to 1 hour
Students: 10,200
Rating: 4.6/5
On average, students complete this lab in30m
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Create and Apply S3 Bucket Policies with Conditions to Restrict Specific Bucket Permissions

Being able to restrict and grant access to specific S3 resources is fundamental when implementing your security procedures. There are various methods that can be used to achieve this, one of which is to implement bucket policies. Bucket policies are applied directly to a bucket within S3 itself and apply to that bucket only.  

To make your bucket policy even more effective, you can apply specific conditions as to when the effects of that Policy should apply. There are a many conditions you can base your bucket policy upon, and the AWS documentation provides greater insight into these here.

This Lab will guide you through the bucket policy creation process with the use of the AWS Policy Generator

You will create and test two different bucket policies:

1. Configure a bucket policy that will restrict what a user can do within an S3 bucket based upon their IP address

2. Configure a bucket policy to only allow the upload of objects to a bucket when server side encryption has been configured for the object



September 3rd, 2024 - Resolved check issue

June 27th, 2022 - Updated the screenshots and instructions to resolve policy generator issue

May 12, 2022 - Updated screenshots and instructions to reflect the latest UI

March 15th, 2022 - Updated the instructions and screenshots to reflect the latest user interface

January 28th, 2021 - Updated screenshots and instructions to reflect latest user interface changes

April 8th, 2020 - Updated S3 Bucket Enforces Encryption check to tolerate bucket name variations

January 10th, 2019 - Added a validation Lab Step to check the work you perform in the Lab

Covered topics

Hands-on Lab UUID

Lab steps

Logging In to the Amazon Web Services Console
Creating an Amazon S3 Bucket
Creating a Bucket Policy in Amazon S3 with IP Address Conditions
Create a Bucket Policy in S3 with Encryption Conditions