AWS Authentication Mechanisms

Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: 2 minutes and 12 seconds
Students: 1,218
Rating: 4.9/5

In this lesson, we shall be looking at how AWS provides many different means of authentication.

Learning Objectives

  • The different methods of authentication that can be implemented when using AWS
  • The difference between username/password and Multi-factor authentication
  • How to configure MFA authentication
  • The process in which programmatic authentication is managed
  • How IAM roles can be used to authenticate and authorize EC2 instances to access resources
  • How Key Pairs are used to authenticate you to newly created EC2 instances
  • The different options available with regards to federated authentication

Intended Audience

  • AWS Administrators
  • Security Engineers
  • Security Architects
  • And anyone who is looking to increase their knowledge of security and authentication within AWS


You should have a basic understanding of AWS IAM and what the service is used for. It would also be advantageous if you had some basic hands-on experience of Amazon EC2, but it is not essential.

Covered Topics