Preparation Exam: Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate for AWS
Welcome to Cloud Academy's preparation exam for the SysOps Administrator - Associate for AWS, which prepares you for the questions and the timed environment of the actual exam.
This prep exam has the same number of multiple-choice questions (55) as the AWS SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, with the same allotted time for completion (80 minutes).
Like the actual exam, some questions have one correct answer, while others require you to choose two or three correct answers.
The questions on this exam focus on the seven domains of AWS knowledge listed below:
- Monitoring and Metrics
- High Availability
- Analysis
- Deployment and Provisioning
- Data Management
- Security
- Networking
Exam Score
In order to pass this prep exam, you will need both of the following:
- A minimum score of 70 percent on the overall exam
- A minimum score of 35 percent on each exam domain
Once you begin your exam session:
You can spend as long as you wish on any particular question, but must budget your time to complete all 55 questions. Any questions not completed in 80 minutes will be scored as incorrect.
During the session, you may skip questions and return to them later in the session. You can also review your answers to previous questions, and change them at any point during the exam session.
You can end the exam session at any time by selecting “Submit Exam,” but this completes the entire session. All of your answers will be scored. All unanswered questions will be scored as incorrect. You cannot return later to complete any unanswered questions.
You can always start a new session, but it may contain different questions from your previous session.
When you submit your exam, you will receive your total score, as well as your score for each exam domain.
Good luck, and contact us at if you have any questions for us, or want to share your thoughts about the prep exam for SysOps Administrator-Associate for AWS.