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Martech Essentials

In this course, we define what martech is and why businesses use it. We explore the martech stack and how to begin to evaluate and manage your use of marketing
Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: Up to 48 minutes
Students: 1,906
Rating: 4/5
Enhance your skill setDevelop essential skills for thriving in real-world scenarios.
Stay focused, stay committedBoost your learning journey by enrolling: stay focused, consistent and achieve your goals with ease.
Earn a certificate of completionShow your skills and build your credibility when you include them in your resume and LinkedIn profile.
6 steps
There are 2 Exams in this learning path
There are 4 Courses in this learning path
Duration: 2 minutes and 3 seconds
Martech Essentials Introduction
Welcome to this lesson on Martech Essentials.
Duration: 8 minutes and 40 seconds
Types of Martech Platform
There are lots of tools that will come together to make up your martech stack, but it can help to break them down into categories to identify the kind of tools you might wish to invest in - from platforms that deal in consumer data, to software that helps with content & campaign delivery, workflow & automation platforms and systems that enable sophisticated analytics & reporting capabilities.
Duration: 10 minutes and 17 seconds
Developing a Martech Stack
There are three different ways you can approach implementing martech across your business. ‘All-in-one’, ‘best of breed’ and ‘composable’ approaches all have their merits and we’ll discuss them in this part of the lesson, along with the different goals you might want to achieve with martech and the four things you’ll need to bear in mind when integrating your martech stack.
Duration: 7 minutes and 25 seconds
Measuring Your Success
We explore some of the ways you might measure the success of your martech to help you continuously improve, from measuring your ROI, to monitoring rates of adoption, levels of integration and rates of innovation across your business.
Duration: Up to 10 minutes
Martech Essentials Post-Assessment
Martech Essentials Post-Assessment