learning path
Joint Business Planning Best Practice
A guide to developing your proposal and approaching retailers, setting clear goals and objectives, and how to track your progress using scorecards.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: Up to 47 minutes
Students: 2,219
Rating: 5/5
Enhance your skill setDevelop essential skills for thriving in real-world scenarios.
Stay focused, stay committedBoost your learning journey by enrolling: stay focused, consistent and achieve your goals with ease.
Earn a certificate of completionShow your skills and build your credibility when you include them in your resume and LinkedIn profile.
6 steps
There are 2 Exams in this learning path
There are 4 Courses in this learning path
You must complete the pretest before you start this content.
Duration: 2 minutes and 1 second
Joint Business Planning Best Practice Introduction
Welcome to this lesson on Joint Business Planning Best Practice.
Duration: 10 minutes and 48 seconds
Approaching Your Retailer
Duration: 6 minutes and 41 seconds
Negotiating a Joint Business Plan
Duration: 7 minutes and 32 seconds
Execution & Measurement
Duration: Up to 10 minutes
Joint Business Planning Best Practice Post-Assessment
Joint Business Planning Best Practice Post-Assessment