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hands-on lab

Using Azure Automation Hybrid Worker to Automate Windows Server Administration

Difficulty: Advanced
Duration: Up to 1 hour
Students: 49
Rating: 5/5
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Using a Hybrid Worker Group in Azure Automation Account allows organizations to manage remote machines and execute automation tasks across both cloud and on-premises environments. The Hybrid Worker Group consists of one or more Hybrid Workers that are installed on machines outside of Azure and can execute PowerShell scripts, Python scripts, or graphical runbooks locally. This provides a scalable and flexible solution for running automation tasks in a hybrid environment, without the need to deploy Azure Virtual Machines for every task. The benefits of using Hybrid Worker Group include reduced latency, improved security, and easier management of on-premises machines. A common use case for Hybrid Worker Group is to automate patching and updating of servers and other resources that are outside of Azure, such as legacy applications or specialized hardware.

You will learn how to create Automation Account Hybrid worker group and onboard a target machine for remote administration. You will also run a script to automate tasks on the machine in this hands-on lab.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this advanced-level lab, you will be able to:

  • Understand Azure Automation Hybrid Worker Group
  • Create credentials in automation account
  • Create Hybrid Worker Group in automation account
  • Create and trigger runbooks in automation account
  • Create Windows AD User with automation account runbook

Intended audience

  • Candidates for Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure (AZ-800)
  • Cloud Architects
  • Windows Administrator
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Engineers


Familiarity with the following will be beneficial but is not required:

  • Azure VM
  • Azure Automation Account

The following content can be used to fulfill the prerequisites:

Environment before

Environment after

Covered topics

Hands-on Lab UUID

Lab steps

Logging in to the Microsoft Azure Portal
Review Windows Server Active Directory Environment
Onboarding an Azure VM to Automation Account using Hybrid Worker Agent V2
Triggering Hybrid Runbook on Worker Group to Create a New AD User