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Cert Prep Exam: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900)

Hone your skills by practicing under real exam conditions.
Duration: Up to 1 hour
Timed examYou have 1h to answer 45 questions in one session.
Navigate through questionsYou can mark questions to review later and navigate freely through the exam at any time
Minimum scoreYou must achieve the required scores for each topic to pass the exam.


Welcome to QA's certification prep exam for the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals course. This prep exam will prepare you for the type of questions you will need to answer, as well as the timed environment of the actual exam.

If you are studying for the DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals exam, we recommend you complete our course here before taking this prep exam.


Like the actual exam, some questions have one correct answer, while others require you to choose two or three correct answers.

The questions on this exam focus on the four domains of Microsoft Azure knowledge listed below:

  • Describe core data concepts
  • Describe how to work with relational data on Azure
  • Describe how to work with non-relational data on Azure
  • Describe an analytics workload on Azure

Each domain has the same level of emphasis as it will on the official exam.


Please contact us at support@cloudacademy.com if you have any questions, or want to share your thoughts about the exam.

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How to

You can spend as long as you wish on any particular question but must budget your time to complete all the questions. Any questions not completed in the allotted time are scored as incorrect.

You can change your answers or skip questions during the exam session. Use the Review later button to highlight questions you want to revisit. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the questions.

You end your exam session by submitting your exam for a score or discarding it.
You haven’t attempted this exam yet.
Required score
Exam overall
Describe an analytics workload on Azure
Describe core data concepts
Describe how to work with non-relational data on Azure
Describe how to work with relational data on Azure