Tech Talk: Building Automated Machine Images with HashiCorp Packer

Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: 22 minutes and 34 seconds
Students: 464
Rating: 4.4/5

Packer is a multi-cloud tool for automating the creation of a Virtual Machine image. It is a simple tool and easy to use. However, when combined with Terraform and the proper workflow, it can provide a powerful way to deploy infrastructure changes. Configuration management tools like Chef and Puppet can add additional maintenance and complexity when deploying new changes to existing production environments. HashiCorp's vision of immutable resilient infrastructure using Packer and Terraform takes a different approach when promoting change to infrastructure.

In this Tech Talk, you'll watch a presentation on HashiCorp's Packer and how it can be used to build automated machine images and then deploy the new image into a production environment with a CI/CD pipeline. You'll follow virtually as a group of IT professionals discuss the tool and its uses. If you have any feedback relating to this lesson, feel free to reach out to us at

Learning Objectives

  • Basic concepts of immutable infrastructure
  • Foundations of using Packer to automate the process of building VM images

Intended Audience

  • DevOps and Cloud Engineers
  • Terraform practitioners


  • Familiarity with Cloud Service Providers
  • Beginner level understanding of CI/CD
Covered Topics