CISSP: Domain 7 - Security Operations - Module 2

Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: 6 minutes and 11 seconds
Students: 313
Rating: 3/5

This lesson is the 2nd of 4 modules of Domain 7 of the CISSP, covering Security Operations.

Learning Objectives

The objectives of this lesson are to provide you with the ability to:

  • Employ resource protection techniques
  • Conduct incident response
  • Operate and maintain preventative measures
  • Implement and support patch and vulnerability management
  • Participate in and understand change management processes

Intended Audience

This lesson is designed for those looking to take the most in-demand information security professional certification currently available, the CISSP.


Any experience relating to information security would be advantageous, but not essential.  All topics discussed are thoroughly explained and presented in a way allowing the information to be absorbed by everyone, regardless of experience within the security field.


If you have thoughts or suggestions for this lesson, please contact Cloud Academy at