Leveraging Common Scala Immutable Data Structures
If you need to work with the functional programming paradigm, you will mostly use data structures. They are essentials when it comes the need to manage small to big quantity of data. The functional programming paradigm leverages the concept of Immutability: when you are using an object, it can't change form.
Scala is one of the best languages if you need to develop following the functional paradigm. So, it offers you different sative data structures, and they are immuatables (they don't change, if you make a change, a new data structure will be created). The most commonly used are: List, Range, and Map.
In this lab, you will start understanding and using List, Range, and Map in Scala.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this beginner level lab, you will be able to:
- Understand the three main immutable data structures
- Implement Scala solutions that use List, Range, and Map
Intended Audience
This lab is intended for:
- Software engineers moving to the functional programming paradigm
- Data engineers that need to work with small up to big data in Scala
To get the most out of this lab, you should have basic knowledge of Scala. To achieve this, we suggest taking the following labs:
- Understanding Basic Scala Elements for Functional Programming
- Starting using Recursion with Scala
- Creating and Handling Classes and Hierarchies in Scala
- Introducing Generics for Classes and Functions in Scala
April 20th, 2023 - Updated theia to enable autosave