lab challenge

AWS Solutions Architect - Associate Certification Challenge

Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: Up to 2 hours
Students: 6,595
Rating: 3.6/5
Get challenged in a real environmentProve your skills in a real-world, provisioned environment.
Push your limitsComplete an unguided mission within the time limit.
See resultsTest your problem-solving skills and track your progress.


AWS is currently the leading cloud services provider, offering more than one hundred services tailored toward computing, storage, networking, artificial intelligence, and many more categories. Thousands of companies use AWS to host their cloud needs, and many of those companies use AWS's certification suite to ensure their staff is up to par when it comes to working with AWS resources. This lab challenge will help confirm your knowledge of the material presented in the AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certification learning path.

In this lab challenge, you will be provided with a real AWS environment. This environment will emulate a real-world scenario, where you will be asked to perform the kind of tasks commonly done by those with the AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certification. This lab challenge will avoid multiple-choice answers in favor of real-world work in a cloud environment. Additionally, while this lab challenge will not cover every aspect of the certification requirements, completion of the challenge will go a long way toward showing you have a comprehensive grasp of architecting within AWS.


August 24th, 2023 - Resolved environment error

August 16th, 2023 - Addressed user ban issue and added warning

April 3rd, 2023 - Resolved environment error

October 17th, 2022 - Resolved environment error

April 6th, 2022 - Updated validation check function

July 6th, 2021 - Allowed the student user permission to describe elastic load balancers to prevent the console from displaying an error


  • The AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certification learning path

Intended audience

  • Prospective AWS Solutions Architects

What will be assessed

  • Your ability to build and troubleshoot AWS resources related to the AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certification
  • General familiarity with the AWS console and the ability to navigate it in a timely manner

Covered topics


AWS Solutions Architect - Associate Certification Challenge - Database
AWS Solutions Architect - Associate Certification Challenge - Networking
AWS Solutions Architect - Associate Certification Challenge - Architecture