Terraform for ECS Containers Overview
Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: 2 minutes and 13 seconds
Students: 513
Rating: 5/5
In this lesson, we show you how to use terraform in combination with AWS to create the necessary infrastructure to deploy a container to ECS Fargate.
Learning Objectives
- Creating the required infrastructure for your containers
- Creating the task definition that you can then deploy as a service
- And we’ll cover some best practices around using Terraform
Intended Audience
- Those interested in managing cloud resources in an automated fashion and deploying containers
- Essentially anyone with a background in System Administration, DevOps, or Software Development
- Scripting in general, although Terraform is NOT a computer language, it doesn’t hurt if you know how to code
- AWS Services to run and support containers, such as ECS, EC2, Load Balancing, and Security groups
Covered Topics