learning path

Customer & Patient Journey Mapping Best Practice for Marketing

This course puts a focus on leveraging optimized journey maps to ensure that you are delivering the right experiences for your customer at every touchpoint. It
Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: Up to 44 minutes
Students: 76
Enhance your skill setDevelop essential skills for thriving in real-world scenarios.
Stay focused, stay committedBoost your learning journey by enrolling: stay focused, consistent and achieve your goals with ease.
Earn a certificate of completionShow your skills and build your credibility when you include them in your resume and LinkedIn profile.
6 steps
There are 2 Exams in this learning path
There are 4 Courses in this learning path
Duration: 2 minutes and 50 seconds
Customer & Patient Journey Mapping Best Practice for Marketing Introduction
Welcome to this lesson on Customer & Patient Journey Mapping Best Practice for Marketing.
Duration: 7 minutes and 59 seconds
The Role of Technology
The rise of technology means there are now an endless number of possible touchpoints to include in a customer journey map. It’s also responsible for a significant shift in the way pharma companies interact and communicate with their customers. In this lesson, we’ll discuss the way technology can help improve the accuracy of your customer journey maps, including the use of customer relationship management systems, and explore the types of data you’ll be collecting to help with personalization and targeting.
Duration: 8 minutes and 10 seconds
Working Towards Continuous Improvement
Journey mapping is all about ensuring your marketing activities deliver the right content, to the right HCP, at the right time. You need to make sure you’re working towards continuous improvement, to ensure your journey maps remain effective and accurate. In this lesson, we’ll explore how data can be used to help you build and optimize your customer journey maps, and discuss the importance of assigning weightings to identify the most high-value touchpoints in a journey map.
Duration: 5 minutes and 18 seconds
The Digital Front Door
It’s not just HCP customers who are beginning to show a preference for digital interactions - their patients are too. It’s important to understand the patient journey, because this will give you a more complete picture of your customers’ needs and behaviors. In this lesson, we’ll discuss a strategy known as the digital front door, and explore the growing influence of patients on the way customers make treatment decisions.
Duration: Up to 10 minutes
Customer & Patient Journey Mapping Best Practice for Marketing Post-Assessment
Customer & Patient Journey Mapping Best Practice for Marketing Post-Assessment