Working with AWS Codestar

Difficulty: Intermediate
Duration: 9 minutes and 53 seconds
Students: 2,056
Rating: 4.6/5

AWS CodeStar makes building a full CI/CD workflow easier, launching from prebuilt templates to meet the requirements of your software development projects. AWS CodeStar helps you set up and create a CI/CD tool chain composed of AWS tools such as CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodePipeline as well as potentially other third-party tools.

This lesson begins with an introduction to AWS CodeStar, what it can do, and its use cases. It then moves onto a demonstration that provides a guided walkthrough of how to use the service to launch a full CI/CD workflow in conjunction with other AWS tools.

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Understand the key aspects of AWS CodeStar, its benefits, and its use cases
  • Provision a full CI/CD workflow using AWS CodeStar

Intended Audience

This lesson is intended for:

  • Individuals wanting to learn about AWS CodeStar
  • Individuals who want to set up and create CI/CD workflows quickly and effectively


To get the most out of this lesson, it is recommended that you already have some fundamental knowledge of AWS and its services, as well as experience with CI/CD workflows.