Continuous Integration with Jenkins
Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: 7 minutes and 17 seconds
Students: 1,370
Rating: 4.4/5
This course provides you with an understanding of the concepts and principles surrounding Continuous Integration/Continous Delivery (CI/CD) to help you prepare for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate exam.
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Learning Objectives
Continuous Integration:
- How to set up your development environment
- How version control works
- How to begin implementing testing in your environment
- The why and how of database schema migrations
- What Jenkins is and why you should care
Continuous Delivery:
- Define continuous delivery and continuous deployment
- Describe some of the code level changes that will help support continuously delivery
- Describe the pros and cons for monoliths and microservices
- Explain blue / green & canary deployments
- Explain the pros and cons of mutable and immutable servers
- Identify some of the tools that are used for continuous delivery
Covered Topics