Understanding Amazon DynamoDB Course Introduction

Difficulty: Beginner
Duration: 3 minutes and 15 seconds
Students: 69
Rating: 5/5

This lesson introduces the Understanding Amazon DynamoDB course, which has been designed to walk you through the basics of Amazon DynamoDB. It’s designed to provide you with a well-rounded view of the service, and covers:

  • What the service does and the benefit it provides
  • When to use the service 
  • Basic DynamoDB terminology 
  • How it relates to other databases
  • How to interact with the database using the DynamoDB API
  • How to create DynamoDB tables using the AWS Console
  • How to create local and global secondary indexes 
  • How to provision and configure DynamoDB in a manner that ensures it is highly available and able to serve all read and write requests to it
  • How to read and write to DynamoDB
  • How to look for items in your DynamoDB tables
    • How DynamoDB partitions your data 
    • How partitioning affects you 
    • How DynamoDB balances partitions in a table
    • What you can do to create balance across partitions
  • What the DynamoDB Accelerator is and why you would want to use it within your DynamoDB database



Covered Topics