Let's Build a Todo CLI With Node.JS - Part Three

Difficulty: Advanced
Duration: 11 minutes and 26 seconds
Students: 76
Rating: 5/5

In this final video in the Let's Build a Todo CLI With Node.JS series, you will complete the functionality of the CLI. You will be implementing handler functions to remove and complete todos stored within the JSON file.

Learning Objectives

  • Implement handler functions to complete and remove todos
  • Implement the Filter method to exclude specific data from an array
  • Implement the Map method to modify a specific element from an array
  • Implement with the spread operator to modify object data
  • Use the NOT operator to reverse the current value of the todo object’s complete property 
  • Understand how to use exported functions in another file

Intended Audience

This lesson is intended for anyone who wants to learn about Node.js.
