A Word Regarding EventBridge (CloudWatch Events)
Difficulty: Advanced
Duration: 1 minute and 47 seconds
Students: 82
Rating: 5/5
In this lesson, we will explain AWS Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks. Being able to perform startup tasks and graceful shutdown is a critical step in using temporary infrastructure to run your application.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, you should have a greater understanding of managing Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks and their uses. Some of the key points we’ll be covering in this lesson include the following:
- Understand the entire lifecycle of an EC2 instance managed by Auto Scaling
- Manipulating this lifecycle to your advantage
- Alternative solutions to lifecycle hooks
- And using Spot Instances to take advantage of cost savings and faster completion of workloads
Intended Audience
- Those implementing Auto Scaling groups in AWS
- Those attempting the AWS DevOps certification exam as this knowledge is essential for this purpose
- For those looking to use this skill right away, the lesson will show you a hands-on example of lifecycle hooks that you can try right now
- Have an understanding of Amazon EC2 Infrastructure, such as availability zones and VPCs, as well as Auto Scaling groups, and use cases for these AWS services
Covered Topics